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Men's Accessories in the 1920s: A Glimpse into Fashion History

CEO Tinh Phung
The 1920s were a decade marked by significant social and cultural changes, and men's fashion was no exception. From suspenders and belts to gloves and watches, men embraced a range of accessories to complete their...

The 1920s were a decade marked by significant social and cultural changes, and men's fashion was no exception. From suspenders and belts to gloves and watches, men embraced a range of accessories to complete their stylish ensembles. Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular accessories from this fascinating era.

Suspenders: A Fashionable Necessity

To keep high-waisted pants in place, men turned to button-on suspenders. Made of silk, rayon, elastic webbing, or leather, suspenders were both functional and stylish. While mature men preferred traditional white suspenders, younger men opted for patterns such as stripes, polka dots, and geometrics. However, it's important to note that suspenders were considered underwear and were never meant to be publicly seen. In summer or for casual sportswear, men would opt for a belt instead.

Gloves: A Touch of Elegance

Gloves were an essential accessory for men in the 1920s. Wristwatches were growing in popularity, but many men still carried fob watches. For those not wearing a vest, a belt clip with a chain was the solution. Belt clips were often yellow gold with a monogram to match the one on the pocket watch. However, wristwatches were considered too sporty and casual for traditional men and gangsters who preferred the timeless charm of pocket watches.

Watches: A Timeless Timepiece

Wristwatches gained popularity throughout the 1920s. Initially, they were essentially pocket watches attached to straps. However, watchmakers soon began designing smaller works specifically made for wristwatches, allowing for a change in shape. Rectangular watches with rounded corners became available, offering a sleek and fashionable alternative to traditional pocket watches.

Handkerchiefs: Practical and Stylish

Two types of handkerchiefs were popular among men in the 1920s. The first was the pocket square, a decorative element that coordinated with the necktie and added a splash of color to the suit. The second type was a plain white cotton or linen handkerchief used for practical purposes such as wiping sweat, clearing a nose, or dabbing food. These handkerchiefs were often monogrammed, making them a common handmade gift from family members.

Sleeve Garters: Keeping It Classy

Sleeve garters or arm bands were indispensable accessories for men in the 1920s. These elastic bands, often adorned with pastel stripes or bow ties, were worn around the bicep to hold shirt sleeves away from the wrists. Occupations such as bankers, musicians, and bartenders relied heavily on sleeve garters due to the nature of their work. Sold in gift sets with suspenders and sock garters, sleeve garters were a unique accessory that added a touch of color to men's outfits.

Shoe Spats: A Gangster's Fashion Statement

Shoe spats were a fashion statement embraced by fashionable gentlemen, including gangsters and bootleggers, who made a fortune through illegal alcohol sales. Grey, tan, or off-white wool or linen spats with pearl buttons became synonymous with their lifestyle. For evenings and a more formal appearance, white spats or patent leather back spats were an excellent choice. Additionally, spats served practical purposes, keeping shoes clean and ankles warm in winter.

1920s Men's Accessories 1920s Men's Accessories - Vintage Dancer

Eye Glasses: Seeing Fashionably

Round frames were the most popular choice for eyeglasses in the 1920s, although some opted for oval or octagon shapes. Shell-rimmed or horn-rimmed frames were prevalent, but sturdier wire gold frames gradually replaced them. Sunglasses followed the same trends, but they didn't gain widespread popularity until the late '20s.

Umbrellas and Canes: Fashionable Utility

Carrying a rolled umbrella was part of men's fashion during the 1900s. It served as a fashion accessory, cane, rain covering, and sometimes even a weapon. While some men still adhered to this tradition, many turned to canes instead. All-wood umbrellas or silver top stick canes were in style. Women also carried canes, predominantly for functional purposes.

These are just a few examples of the diverse range of accessories that men embraced in the 1920s. This era was characterized by a unique blend of elegance, sophistication, and practicality. Whether it was suspenders, gloves, watches, or shoe spats, men in the 1920s knew how to accessorize with style and flair.

Browse through more men's accessories and dive deeper into the fascinating history of 1920s fashion and style.

  • History of 1920s Men’s Ties, Neckties, Bowties
  • Vintage Men’s Socks History - 1900 to 1960s
  • History of Men’s Vintage Jewelry - Collar Bars, Rings, Tie Clips
  • History of Men’s Watches - 1900s to 1960s
  • Vintage Scarf Styles - 1920s to 1980s
  • 1920s Shawls, Scarves, Furs, and Wraps Styles
  • 1920s Headband, Headpiece & Hair Accessory Styles

So, let's immerse ourselves in the fascinating world of men's accessories from the 1920s and discover how these timeless pieces continue to inspire fashion to this day.