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26 Recycled Clothing Brands: Making a Difference in 2022

CEO Tinh Phung
The world is waking up to the environmental impact of our lifestyle choices. From clothes to food, people are seeking ways to reduce their ecological footprint for the sake of our planet and future generations....

26 Recycled Clothing Brands

The world is waking up to the environmental impact of our lifestyle choices. From clothes to food, people are seeking ways to reduce their ecological footprint for the sake of our planet and future generations. In this article, we explore 26 recycled clothing brands that are leading the charge in 2021, repurposing materials and creating sustainable fashion. These brands want you to not only feel good about your purchase today but also know that it's making a difference every time you wear their garments.

Patagonia: Pioneering Sustainability

Patagonia Patagonia, an eco-friendly clothing brand, has been at the forefront of the sustainability movement for decades. Founded by Yvon Chouinard in 1973, Patagonia's mission is to create practical and beautiful clothes using sustainable practices and fabrics. They have always supported recycling programs and use recycled materials whenever possible to keep our planet clean for generations to come.

H&M: Promoting Sustainable Fashion

H&M H&M, another eco-friendly brand, partners with organizations like the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Greenpeace to promote sustainable fashion choices. Their "Conscious Exclusive" line features clothes made from sustainable materials such as Tencel, organic cotton, and recycled polyester. H&M also recycles used textiles into new products like insulation panels and transforms plastic bottles into new clothes.

Pact: Sustainable Fashion at Accessible Prices

Pact Pact aims to provide sustainable, high-quality fashion at accessible prices. Their clothing line is created using recycled materials, reducing waste and pollution in the environment. Pact's factory follows environmentally responsible methods and adheres to sustainability and safety standards set by organizations like the Fair Trade Certification.

Girlfriend Collective: Fashionable and Eco-Friendly

Girlfriend Collective Girlfriend Collective, an eco-friendly brand, offers trendy clothes made from 100% organic cotton and environmentally friendly dyes. They also prioritize using natural materials like jute and silk fibers over petroleum-based synthetics. With Girlfriend Collective, you can embrace sustainable fashion without sacrificing style or comfort.

American Recycled Clothing: Reducing Waste, One Garment at a Time

American Recycled Clothing American Recycled Clothing aims to create a robust secondhand apparel industry while driving positive social change. They reclaim and recycle post-consumer textiles to create new products, reducing landfill waste and carbon emissions. By offering sustainable high-quality fashion at affordable prices, American Recycled Clothing is making fashion more accessible while reducing its environmental impact.

Beyond Retro: Pioneering Recycled Fashion

Beyond Retro Beyond Retro has been a pioneer in the recycled clothing movement for over 30 years. They are committed to sustainable design, offering clothes made from organic cotton and recycled materials like plastic bottles and old tires. Beyond Retro also donates a percentage of their profits to environmental charities, making a global impact with every purchase.

Ecoalf: Recycling Fishnets for Fashion

Ecoalf Ecoalf is known for using recycled fishnets and other materials like plastic bottles to create fashionable and eco-friendly clothing. Their innovative designs prove that sustainable fashion can look just as good as conventional options. By repurposing these materials, Ecoalf helps reduce plastic waste and lessen the impact on our oceans.

Wolven: Soft, Comfortable, and Sustainable

Wolven Wolven focuses on creating eco-friendly clothes from recycled materials. Their clothing is not only sustainable but also incredibly soft and comfortable. Wolven uses recycled cotton, which breathes well and lasts longer than traditional fabrics. They also incorporate sustainable technologies like water-resistant jackets and shoes made from recycled materials.

Rapanui: Making a Difference, One Article of Clothing at a Time

Rapanui Rapanui, an eco-friendly brand, aims to make the world a better place through sustainable fashion. They create clothes from recycled materials, providing consumers with stylish and sustainable alternatives. Rapanui's impressive growth and five different lines reflect their commitment to closing the loop of clothing production and consumption.

Ellie Evans: Fashion for a Cause

Ellie Evans Ellie Evans is a clothing brand that combines fashion and sustainability. They create fashionable clothes from recycled materials, while also donating a portion of their profits to charity. By supporting Ellie Evans, you're not only getting trendy clothes but also contributing to philanthropic efforts.

Fanfare: Changing the World, One Piece of Clothing at a Time

Fanfare Fanfare is an environmentally conscious clothing brand that supports sustainable fashion through recycling. They create their clothes using 100% recycled natural fibers, ensuring high-quality and one-of-a-kind garments. By purchasing from Fanfare, you become part of the solution, promoting a better world through sustainable fashion.

Batoko: Eco-Friendly and Charitable

Batoko Batoko is an eco-friendly clothing brand that supports recycled clothing. They use sustainable materials and offer a line of organic cotton clothes. Batoko donates a portion of their profits to charities like the United Nations Foundation and the World Wildlife Fund, making a positive impact on both the environment and society.

Aday: Sustainable Fashion for a Brighter Future

Aday is an eco-friendly clothing brand that supports recycled clothing. They are the first retailer to manufacture clothes using recycling foam insulation scraps. Aday is also committed to donating one item of clothing for every item purchased, promoting a circular economy and reducing waste.

Alternative Apparel: Making a Difference in Fashion

Alternative Apparel Alternative Apparel is a clothing brand that combines style with sustainability. They believe in making fashion more conscious and environmentally friendly. By offering recycled and upcycled options, Alternative Apparel aims to inspire others to adopt more eco-friendly practices in the fashion industry.

Rubymoon: Sustainable Fast Fashion Choices

Rubymoon is an eco-friendly clothing brand that supports recycled clothing. They provide sustainable fast fashion choices, keeping clothes out of landfills and offering consumers stylish options. Rubymoon's commitment to using organic cotton and recycled materials ensures a planet-friendly approach to fashion.

Re/Done: Giving New Life to Vintage

Re/Done Re/Done is an eco-friendly clothing brand that embraces recycled clothing. They offer a variety of secondhand clothes, shoes, and accessories, allowing customers to enjoy vintage fashion without compromising style. By repurposing and giving new life to old garments, Re/Done reduces waste and contributes to a more sustainable fashion industry.

Picture Organic Clothing: Fashion with a Green Conscience

Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing is an eco-friendly brand that creates clothes using organic cotton and recycled materials. They prioritize low-impact dyes and water-based printing techniques to minimize their environmental footprint. Picture Organic Clothing also uses post-consumer plastic bottles to create polyester fabrics, reducing waste and promoting a circular economy.

PlanetWarrier: Promoting Mindful Manufacturing

PlanetWarrier PlanetWarrier is an eco-friendly clothing brand committed to sustainable fashion. They focus on using recycled materials, investing in communities, and practicing mindful manufacturing. PlanetWarrier aims to inspire the fashion industry to adopt ethical practices and innovative designs for a better world.

Mother Earth Garments: Fashion That Gives Back

Mother Earth Garments creates conscious clothing made from recycled fabrics. They supply sewing training programs in economically challenged countries, making a positive impact on individuals and communities. By using excess fabric and repurposed military materials, Mother Earth Garments promotes sustainability and social change through their clothing.

Repainted: Repurposing with Style

Repainted Repainted is a recycled clothing brand that repurposes discarded garments into new, stylish pieces. By diverting clothes from landfills, Repainted reduces waste and contributes to a greener planet. Their commitment to sustainability and innovation makes them a brand worth supporting.

Prana: Ethical and Sustainable Fashion

Prana is a clothing brand that promotes ethical and sustainable fashion. They use organic cotton whenever possible and donate used clothes back to the community through their "Give Back" recycling program. Prana's commitment to the environment extends to supporting local organizations and providing a safe workplace for their employees.

Mara Hoffman: Fusion of Fashion and Sustainability

Mara Hoffman Mara Hoffman is a fashion designer known for her eco-friendly designs. She creates fashionable clothes using organic cotton, hemp , and natural dyes. Mara's commitment to sustainability and innovative designs makes her brand a leader in the fusion of fashion and environmental consciousness.

Antiform: Sustainable Production and Recycled Materials

Antiform is a clothing brand that promotes sustainable production using recycled materials. Their collections feature fabrics woven from post-consumer cotton, reducing textile waste and supporting new jobs in textile recycling. Antiform's commitment to zero waste and conservation of resources is reflected in their unique and eco-friendly designs.

Urban Renewal: Reducing Waste through Recycling

Urban Renewal Urban Renewal is an eco-friendly clothing company that encourages the use of recycled clothing. They believe in utilizing materials already in circulation instead of creating new ones. Urban Renewal also gives back to communities by donating clothes to those in need. By supporting Urban Renewal, you contribute to reducing waste and supporting sustainable fashion.

ASOS Reclaimed Vintage: Fashion with a Green Twist

ASOS Reclaimed Vintage is a clothing brand that embraces recycling and sustainability. They offer vintage clothing and new items made from recycled materials. ASOS uses eco-friendly fabrics and natural dyes, respecting the environment and promoting recycling. By choosing ASOS Reclaimed Vintage, you support a greener fashion industry.

Zero Waste Daniel: Clothes That Make a Difference

Zero Waste Daniel Zero Waste Daniel is a clothing brand founded on the principles of sustainability. They create high-quality clothes using recycled materials like plastic bottles and foam insulation scraps. By promoting zero waste and encouraging conscious buying, Zero Waste Daniel leads by example and sets the standard for sustainable fashion.

FAQs About Recycled Clothing

What Are Some Tips to Give Your Old Clothes a New Life?

If you're looking to give your old clothes a new life, here are some tips to get started:

  1. Start with what you have: Use various parts of old garments to create new accessories or modify existing pieces.
  2. Donate unwanted items to charity shops or thrift stores.
  3. Check online for local organizations that accept clothing donations.
  4. Sell your old items on platforms like eBay or Craigslist.
  5. Get creative and repurpose fabric to create unique designs.
  6. Ensure any alterations are done properly before donating.
  7. Wash all donated clothing before donating to maintain cleanliness and hygiene.
  8. Consider clothing rental websites for constant wardrobe updates without waste.

What Is Recycled Fashion?

Recycled fashion is a form of sustainable fashion that aims to reduce the environmental impact of textile production and consumption. It involves repurposing and reusing materials to create new garments, instead of relying on new fabric production. By recycling clothing, the fashion industry reduces waste, conserves resources, and promotes a circular economy.

What Is Recycled Clothing?

Recycled clothing refers to garments made from recycled materials, such as pre-used fabrics or fibers derived from post-consumer products. It involves repurposing or reusing existing clothing to create new garments, reducing waste and minimizing the environmental impact of the fashion industry. Recycled clothing brands prioritize sustainability and social responsibility while offering stylish and eco-friendly fashion options.