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How Selfridges Masters Digital to Create Extraordinary Multichannel Experiences

CEO Tinh Phung
Introduction Selfridges, the renowned luxury department store, has never failed to impress with its ability to deliver exceptional customer experiences. In an era dominated by digital advancements, Selfridges has embraced the power of technology to...


Selfridges, the renowned luxury department store, has never failed to impress with its ability to deliver exceptional customer experiences. In an era dominated by digital advancements, Selfridges has embraced the power of technology to offer a seamless multichannel experience to its customers. From its cutting-edge website to immersive in-store encounters and strategic social media presence, Selfridges is redefining the way luxury brands connect with their audience.

New Website

At the heart of Selfridges' digital transformation lies its captivating new website. Pioneering a bold approach to creativity and editorial content, the website is designed with touch screen interfaces in mind. Recognizing the increasing preference for mobile and tablet browsing, particularly during the festive season, Selfridges ensures that every customer feels valued and engaged.

According to Peter Higgins, the website is more than just an extension of the brand; it serves as the global gateway to the Selfridges experience. With a higher volume of visitors than their physical stores, the website has become a critical element in their multichannel strategy.

In-store Immersion

Selfridges understands the importance of creating immersive digital experiences within their physical stores. By seamlessly merging the digital and physical realms, they enhance their luxury credentials and provide unparalleled customer satisfaction. An excellent example is the denim studio, featuring a 6ft interactive display that allows customers to relax while exploring the online jeans collection. This not only enhances the sales experience but also creates a comfortable atmosphere that elevates brand perception.

The Significance of Personal Experiences

In the luxury goods industry, providing a personalized, in-store experience is paramount. Selfridges has recognized this and collaborated with brand partners to create dedicated online stores that showcase additional content about their products and heritage. For instance, the Cartier Wonder Room offers customers a glimpse into the rich history and craftsmanship behind their exquisite pieces.

While online brand stores contribute to the overall customer journey, Higgins acknowledges that most customers appreciate the 1-2-1 service experience that can only be offered in-store. The personal touch, combined with expert assistance, creates an invaluable connection between the brand and its customers.

The Power of Social Media

Social media has revolutionized the way Selfridges engages with its customers. Personal shoppers, instead of relying on handwritten letters, have developed impressive followings on platforms like Instagram. By leveraging their social influence, personal shoppers inspire customers to shop either online or in-store.

The freedom to connect with salespeople through various channels has transformed the way customers interact with the brand. Higgins shares an example of a personal shopper using Instagram and WhatsApp to notify their footballer clients of a new pair of luxury trainers. The result? The trainers sold out almost instantly.

A Case Study: The Beauty Project

Selfridges consistently delivers exceptional campaigns, and The beauty Project is a shining example. This celebration of beauty showcased a range of events, films, and discussions aimed at exploring different perceptions of beauty. The campaign extended beyond the store, featuring eye-catching displays, advertisements on buses, takeovers at Tube stations, and even Heathrow Airport.

The digital aspect of the campaign was equally impressive. Selfridges strategically placed display ads and hosted Google Hangouts, ensuring maximum visibility on relevant sites like Elle and Stylist. The results spoke for themselves: 40,000 social media mentions, 1 million views of promotional films, 241 pieces of PR coverage, £100,000 in ticket sales, and a 34% increase in searches for beauty and Selfridges on Google.

Selfridges' commitment to creating extraordinary multichannel experiences is evident in every aspect of their digital strategy. By seamlessly integrating technology into their stores, website, and social media, they continue to redefine what it means to provide exceptional customer experiences in the luxury retail industry.