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12 Sustainable Fashion Documentaries And Short Films That Will Change the Way You See Clothes

CEO Tinh Phung
Shifting our perspective on clothing - from a disposable culture to one of care and circularity - requires an emotional shift in each of us. Sustainable fashion documentaries and films have the power to inspire...

Shifting our perspective on clothing - from a disposable culture to one of care and circularity - requires an emotional shift in each of us. Sustainable fashion documentaries and films have the power to inspire this shift by providing profound insights into different realities. They offer a window into lives and experiences that we may not encounter in our everyday lives.

These documentaries allow us to empathize with people from around the world, gain a deeper understanding of natural ecosystems, and explore the role of clothing within the broader fashion system. They not only raise awareness about the harsh realities of the fashion industry but also offer hopeful solutions for a more just and sustainable future.

So, whether you're looking for a captivating watch on a rainy day or simply want to learn more about the inner workings of the fashion industry, we've compiled a list of 12 documentaries and short films that deserve a spot on your watch list.

The True Cost

The True Cost Image source: shopmrkatin.vn

Watch this if: You want to uncover the true workings of the fast fashion industry, including the burden it places on both people and natural ecosystems.

Watch The True Cost trailer here.

River Blue

Watch this if: You're curious to learn about the fashion industry's role in polluting bodies of water that sustain communities worldwide.

Watch the River Blue trailer here.

Cotton Road

Watch this if: You're interested in discovering the story behind the cotton in the clothes you wear.

Watch the Cotton Road trailer here.

ReDress The Future

Watch this if: You seek inspiration from fashion practitioners, designers, and innovators who challenge the industry's status quo and drive sustainable and ethical solutions.

Watch the ReDress The Future trailer here.


Watch this if: You want to delve into fashion's waste crisis, textile recycling, and the journey of discarded clothing from the Global North to Northern India.

Watch the Unravel trailer here.


Watch this if: You're eager to learn about the essence of African fashion and what it takes to build a fashion brand made in Africa.

Watch MADE IN AFRICA here.


Watch this if: You want to explore fashion supply chains worldwide and engage with sustainable solutions to mitigate the industry's harmful impacts.

Watch Fashionscapes here.

Made in Bangladesh

Watch this if: You want insights into the lived experiences of garment workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and the value of unionization in securing garment worker rights.

Watch the Made in Bangladesh trailer here.

The Clothes We Wear

Watch this if: You're disillusioned by the overconsumption of fast fashion and eager to learn more about debunking greenwashing.

Watch The Clothes We Wear here.

Remake's 'Made In' Series

Watch this if: You're interested in getting a behind-the-scenes look at the people behind our clothing in different countries around the world.

Watch Made in America, Made in Mexico, Made in Sri Lanka, Made in Cambodia, Made in Nepal, and Made in Pakistan.

Udita (Rise Up)

Watch this if: You want to learn more about the struggle for unionization in Bangladesh and the infamous Tazreen and Rana Plaza disasters that led to the creation of Fashion Revolution.

Watch the Udita (Rise Up) trailer here.

Catwalk to Creation

Watch this if: You're curious about the process of creating sustainable garments, including fabric and fiber considerations, and innovative solutions from designers.

Watch Catwalk to Creation Part 1 and Part 2.

For more documentaries to watch, subscribe to our newsletter to access our 10-page Sustainable Fashion Resources List!


These documentaries and short films serve as powerful tools for shaping our understanding of the fashion industry and its impact on our world. By watching them, we can become more conscious consumers and contribute to a future where fashion is sustainable, ethical, and just. So grab your popcorn, get comfortable, and let these films inspire you on your journey towards a more mindful and compassionate approach to fashion.