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Alternative Lifestyle Magazines: Embracing a Cooler Way of Living

CEO Tinh Phung
Image Source: Shop Mr. Katin Are you longing for a lifestyle change, but feeling limited by financial constraints? Look no further than alternative lifestyle magazines, offering a glimpse into a world of endless possibilities. This...

Alternative Lifestyle Image Source: Shop Mr. Katin

Are you longing for a lifestyle change, but feeling limited by financial constraints? Look no further than alternative lifestyle magazines, offering a glimpse into a world of endless possibilities. This week, we explore four unique publications: Wallpaper*, Nylon, Fader, and Du Jour. Prepare to be inspired by the alternative lifestyles they showcase.

Wallpaper*: Reinventing the Art of Crafts

The quirky and ever-evolving Wallpaper takes center stage with its latest issue. Collaborating with talented designers and craftsmen, they redefine the boundaries of creativity. Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance, a French designer, and leather expert Valextra join forces to transform an engineer's tool belt into a versatile and modular piece. This unexpected collaboration results in a design that has the lightness of birds on a wire. Wallpaper proves that even everyday objects can be transformed into works of art.

Nylon: Embracing Youthful Sensibilities

Once our go-to magazine, Nylon has undergone a remarkable transformation, embracing a younger audience. In this month's issue, we encounter Georgia May Jagger, who shares her perspective on her mother's era of modeling, filled with fun and glamour. The magazine's cover story introduces us to Aubrey Plaza, known for her role in "Parks and Recreation," but reveals a side of her that transcends her on-screen persona. Nylon brings fresh insights beyond the realm of typical celebrity profiles.

Fader: Nicki Minaj and Empowering Women

Fader's August-September issue celebrates the multifaceted artist, Nicki Minaj. As the cover story, fall-fashion model, and the centerpiece of the magazine's "Footnotes" section, Minaj reveals her journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Notably, she encourages women to trust their own thoughts and express themselves freely. Fader captures Minaj's artistic evolution, leaving us captivated by her genuine desire for positive change.

Du Jour: A Familiar Scene

Du Jour, a magazine helmed by Jason Binn, strikes a familiar chord with its content. With similarities to Binn's previous publications such as Hamptons and Ocean Drive, it lacks the spark of alternative lifestyles found in its counterparts. While showcasing the world of luxury and parties, Du Jour fails to deliver a truly unique experience.

Alternative Lifestyles Beyond Magazines

While these magazines present fascinating insights into alternative lifestyles, it's essential to remember that there's more to life than glossy pages. Recent events, such as the tragedy in Ferguson, remind us of the issues society must address. Time Magazine's coverage sheds light on the situation and provides thought-provoking opinions from various perspectives. The New Yorker also delves into important topics like childhood worries and the influence of pro-Israel group AIPAC.

New York Magazine's Double Issue: A Fall Season Spectacle

New York Magazine graces us with a double issue, providing an extensive guide to the upcoming fall season. Exploring the worlds of movies, media, and musicians, they highlight the highly anticipated film "Foxcatcher," featuring a mesmerizing performance by Steve Carell. So, whether you're a sports enthusiast or not, you'll find yourself drawn to their NFL season guide, because let's face it, the NFL has a way of captivating us all.

Embrace the Alternative

Alternative lifestyle magazines offer a gateway to a world brimming with creativity and inspiration. While Du Jour falls short, Wallpaper*, Nylon, and Fader showcase unique perspectives that will leave you longing to explore new horizons. As you flip through the pages of these publications, savor the opportunity to discover a cooler, more vibrant way of living.