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FolkCharm: Redefining Thai Fashion with Sustainable Slow Fashion

CEO Tinh Phung
Imagine clothes that get softer with every wash, clothes made from 100% Thai village-grown chemical-free cotton, handwoven with love and care. This is FolkCharm, a Thai cotton brand that is transforming the fashion industry with...

FolkCharm: The natural cotton brand which reforms Thai fashion into Slow Fashion

Imagine clothes that get softer with every wash, clothes made from 100% Thai village-grown chemical-free cotton, handwoven with love and care. This is FolkCharm, a Thai cotton brand that is transforming the fashion industry with its commitment to slow fashion and sustainability.

At first glance, FolkCharm's clean and soft cotton clothes may seem like they belong to a neat Japanese style, but they are proudly Thai. The brand's founder, Lookkaew, Passawee T. Kodaka, is on a mission to bring together craftsmanship, community, and conscious consumption.

City Folks, Country Folks

Passawee's journey into social work started during her Master's Degree in Regional and Rural Development Planning. Her thesis highlighted the economic and social inequalities faced by home-based women workers in the fabric industry. This realization sparked a desire to make a difference.

After working in various social organizations, Passawee felt a void in her heart. She turned to her love for craftwork and decided to create something of her own. She wanted to bridge the gap she saw at local craft fairs, where beautiful products were either too expensive or lacked durability.

Simply Different

FolkCharm acts as a facilitator, connecting various talents from cotton farmers to local weavers and tailoring experts. Their role is to bring these skilled artisans together and ensure their products meet the demands of the urban market. The result is a brand image that is simple, organic, and trendy.

FolkCharm: The natural cotton brand which reforms Thai fashion into Slow Fashion

Passawee collaborates with weavers and tailors, fostering a co-designed working process. Ideas flow freely, and feedback from customers shapes the final product. From unique woven patterns to innovative fabric shapes, FolkCharm's creations are a testament to the creativity and dedication of these artisans.

From Trees to Textiles

FolkCharm's commitment to sustainability starts from the very beginning. Local cotton seeds are carefully chosen, and farmers use chemical-free techniques and natural pest control methods. The cotton is hand-spun using traditional methods, resulting in softer yarn.

FolkCharm: The natural cotton brand which reforms Thai fashion into Slow Fashion

Tailoring is another crucial step in the process. Passawee works with experienced home-based tailors who bring their expertise and attention to detail. The result is high-quality, beautifully crafted garments that are made to last.

By the Folks, for the Folks

FolkCharm's community-first approach ensures that 50% of their income goes directly back to the makers. This financial support has had a significant impact on the fabric-producing community, allowing them to earn a fair income from their hard work.

FolkCharm: The natural cotton brand which reforms Thai fashion into Slow Fashion

But it's not just the financial benefits that make a difference. Passawee actively involves the artisans in the process, allowing them to see the finished products and connect with the customers who wear them. This connection fosters pride in their work and ensures the knowledge and tradition are passed down through generations.

Making Fashion Sustainable

Looking towards the future, Passawee believes that FolkCharm shouldn't grow bigger but rather focus on growing its core idea. She has formed a network called VolksKraft, which brings together small craft-for-society businesses to support each other. Through VolksKraft, Passawee and other entrepreneurs share knowledge and organize activities, including markets, workshops, and seminars.

With the support of the British Council's Crafting Futures project, FolkCharm and VolksKraft are making a significant impact. They have even gained recognition from the WTO as the Thai national coordinator for the "Fashion Revolution" movement, which aims to make the fashion industry transparent and sustainable.

"We want to turn the tide back to slow fashion," says Passawee. She believes that by asking where our clothes come from and wearing psychologically valuable and physically durable garments, we can reduce waste and create a more ethical and sustainable fashion industry.

To experience FolkCharm's beautiful and sustainable creations, visit their online shop at shop.folkcharm.com. Let's join the movement towards a more conscious and sustainable fashion future.

Photo: Folkcharm