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Discover the Joy of Minimalism: 8 Simple Living Blogs You Should Follow

CEO Tinh Phung
Image: N / S Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the constant noise and distractions that surround you? Are you longing for a simpler, more intentional life? If so, you're not alone. At No Sidebar,...

N / S Image: N / S

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the constant noise and distractions that surround you? Are you longing for a simpler, more intentional life? If so, you're not alone. At No Sidebar, our mission is to help you design a simple life by letting go of the things that hold you back and embracing a minimalist mindset.

While we strive to provide our own content to spread the message of minimalism, we also love reading other blogs that share our passion for simplicity and mindful living. Here are eight simple living blogs that we highly recommend:

1. The Classy Simple Life

Website: theclassysimplelife.com

Written by Michelle Summerfield, a fashionista, writer, and photographer, The Classy Simple Life focuses on striving for a simpler life. Michelle shares her personal journey towards minimalism, including her thoughts, experiments, and failures. Join her as she leads us to a place where happiness and abundance reign supreme.

2. The Minimalist Plate

Website: theminimalistplate.com

Zoë Kim, a wife, mom of four, blogger, and horticulturist, is the voice behind The Minimalist Plate. This blog is all about clearing your plate from meaningless distractions and removing the clutter and noise that steal your time and energy. Zoë writes about living an intentional life by owning less, creating new habits, and embracing opportunities to give.

3. Smallish Blog

Website: smallishblog.com

Evelyn Rennich, the author of Smallish Blog, shares her experiences and insights about living modestly, frugally, and green. With a genuine and sometimes quirky perspective, she guides us through the challenges of living on a small budget, leaving a small carbon footprint, and making the most out of a small space.

4. Simple by Victoria

Website: simplebyvictoria.com

Victoria Brauer, the creator of Simple by Victoria, embarked on a journey of simplifying her life. By focusing on the essentials, she discovered a path to greater peace, love, and happiness. Although Victoria doesn't claim to be an expert, she loves sharing all that she's learned along the way.

5. Simple Adventure

Website: simpleadventure.ca

Clare Devlin, the voice behind Simple Adventure, takes us on a journey of her family's adventures in simplicity. Through embracing a simple life, they found that having less stuff allowed them to have more meaningful experiences. Join Clare as she shares personal stories, explores the benefits of minimalism, and advocates for a simpler way of living.

6. Everthrive

Website: everthrive.org

Founded by Ali Cornish in 2015, Everthrive values simplicity and self-sufficiency. Ali's blog is filled with stories that inspire awareness, intention, gratitude, and more. If you yearn for contentment and clarity, this is a must-read resource for anyone seeking a simpler and more fulfilling life.

7. Simply Fiercely

Website: simplyfiercely.com

Jennifer, a traveler, minimalist, and dream chaser, shares her wisdom and insights on Simply Fiercely. She is passionate about helping women build lives they love through simple and intentional living. Jennifer believes in listening to your heart, doing more of what you love, and letting go of all the rest.

8. Simplicity Relished

Website: simplicityrelished.com

Simplicity Relished, a blog by Daisy Rosales, captures the essence of living a minimalist lifestyle and embracing adventure. Daisy encourages readers to pare down, find courage, live justly, and indulge in travel. If you believe that the best things in life aren't material possessions, this blog is for you.

If you're ready to embark on your own simple living journey, we have something special for you. Introducing our 30-Day Simple Life Course. Every day, we'll send you an email that will inspire and encourage you to simplify your life. It's time to let go of the clutter and embrace a life filled with joy and purpose. Join us on this transformative journey.

Remember, simplicity is not about depriving yourself, but rather finding freedom and happiness in the things that truly matter. Follow these blogs and start your own adventure towards a simpler and more fulfilling life today!

The Simple Life Course Image: The Simple Life Course