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The Ultimate Guide to Capturing Authentic Moments with Large Families

CEO Tinh Phung
Introduction Do you struggle to capture organic moments with large families? It can be like herding cats! In this guide, we'll explore the techniques used by professional lifestyle photographer Sarah Croker to capture authentic images...


Do you struggle to capture organic moments with large families? It can be like herding cats! In this guide, we'll explore the techniques used by professional lifestyle photographer Sarah Croker to capture authentic images of large families. Sarah is an expert who has honed her skills through our Enthusiast and Advanced Photography Courses. Get ready to learn how to direct a lifestyle session with a large family and produce a gallery of genuine and memorable photographs.

1. Location

Finding the perfect location is crucial for large family photoshoots. Sarah always asks the family if they have any specific locations they want to use. Additionally, she scouts around the area to find the ideal spots with great lighting. For example, Sarah once used a driveway lined with poplars and a rusty farm gate as the backdrop for her photoshoot. The overcast afternoon provided even lighting, allowing her to shoot anywhere.

Location Capturing authentic moments in a beautiful location.

2. Unposed

When photographing large families, Sarah ensures that a majority of the session remains unposed. However, with larger families, a little more direction is needed to create a balanced grouping. Sarah suggests gathering the family together and using prompts to create fun banter. The goal is to capture candid responses and genuine interactions.

Unposed Creating natural and unposed family moments.

3. Relaxed Direction

While the ultimate goal is a family-led session with minimal posing, it's essential to provide some direction to help the family relax. Sarah understands that most families are not accustomed to being in front of the camera, so she gives them time to get familiar and confident. As the session progresses, the family will naturally lead more, especially with prompting.

Relaxed Direction Encouraging relaxed and natural interactions.

4. Props

To keep kids engaged and unposed, Sarah encourages them to bring their favorite toys or possessions to the photoshoot. Farm animals, bikes, footballs, and even pets can add a touch of personality to the photographs. The key is to capture the children having fun doing what they love.

Props Incorporating props to capture genuine moments.

5. Let Them Direct

Allowing the family to have a say in the photoshoot adds an extra layer of authenticity. If the kids express a desire to go to a particular location, embrace it. Follow their lead and capture them engaged in activities that they enjoy. These spontaneous moments often result in some of the most memorable photographs.

Let Them Direct Letting the family direct the shoot creates unique and personal moments.

6. Portraits

In the midst of capturing spontaneous moments, don't forget to take close-up portraits of each child and capture special connections between family members. These portraits serve as beautiful memories of each individual and the bond they share. Look for those spontaneous, heartfelt moments that occur naturally.

Portraits Capturing individual portraits and special connections.

7. Last Shots

If your session extends into the evening, take advantage of the sunset. Capture silhouette shots that showcase the family engaging in activities they love. Also, keep your camera handy until the very end, as tired kids seeking comfort often lead to heartwarming and candid moments.

Last Shots Candid moments captured during the golden hour.

Remember, the key to capturing authentic moments with large families is to create a relaxed and comfortable environment. By following these tips and allowing the family to be themselves, you'll be able to create a gallery of genuine and cherished images that will be treasured for years to come.