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Slow Fashion Season: Embracing Mindful Fashion Choices

CEO Tinh Phung
Have you ever considered embarking on a non-shopping adventure? Or tried the novel approach of choosing well and making your clothes last? Fashion has evolved into a powerful form of self-expression, allowing individuals to showcase...

Have you ever considered embarking on a non-shopping adventure? Or tried the novel approach of choosing well and making your clothes last? Fashion has evolved into a powerful form of self-expression, allowing individuals to showcase their identity, values, and creativity. Unfortunately, the fashion industry has garnered criticism for its mass production of disposable clothing, leading to excessive waste in landfills.

But fear not, the Slow Fashion Movement is here to save the day. In 2018, the movement launched the Slow Fashion Season, a minimalist and holistic approach to fashion that considers the social, environmental, and personal aspects of the industry. The Slow Fashion Season quickly gained momentum and evolved into an annual 30-day campaign, encouraging individuals to refrain from buying new clothes.

This year, the Slow Fashion Movement presents the Slow Fashion Season: Earth & Beyond campaign, starting on January 1st, 2024. But here's the twist: you can choose your 30 days and even extend it beyond Day 30 if you wish. The campaign aims to challenge traditional fashion systems and inspire participants to explore better alternatives to fast fashion, putting the spotlight on climate action and responsible purchasing. Remember, when you do buy, buy better.

An infographic showing slow fashion as the amalgamation of ethical fashion, lasting fashion, and eco fashion.

What is Slow Fashion?

Slow fashion is a thoughtful and sustainable approach to clothing production and consumption. It encourages a shift in mindset and habits when it comes to getting dressed, taking into account the people involved in the production process and the environmental impact. Slow fashion also promotes experimenting with unconventional forms of fashion. Embrace slow fashion by supporting sustainable brands, opting for handcrafted or artisan-made products, or exploring secondhand options like thrifting, swapping, renting, and borrowing.

From Excess to Emotion-First

The Slow Fashion Movement aims to reduce the negative impact of fashion on the environment by promoting mindful choices. It encourages buying less, choosing well, upcycling, and reusing. The movement advocates for a conscious and responsible approach to fashion, prioritizing quality, durability, and longevity over quantity, speed, and trends. It also supports fair trade and ethical practices, advocating for fair pay, safe working conditions, and basic human rights for all fashion industry workers. Through the Slow Fashion Season, the movement encourages us to reflect on our fashion choices and align ourselves with its ethos.

At the core of it all lies creativity and individuality. As a consumer, you have the power to express your style and personality through the unique and timeless pieces you already own, wearing them over and over again.

An image showing the burning of landfills. Photo by Collab Media on Unsplash

Take the Pledge

Consider these eye-opening statistics:

  • Globally, we consume 80 billion garments every year.
  • Fast fashion, overconsumption habits, and throwaway culture result in a staggering loss of approximately $500 billion annually. (Ellen MacArthur Foundation)
  • About 30% of the clothing in our wardrobes remains unworn for over a year.

Slow Fashion Season: Earth and Beyond provides an opportunity to make a difference. As of now, 31,997 fashion-conscious individuals have already pledged to the campaign. Together, these participants have reduced over 6,800,000,000 kg of carbon emissions and saved 3,200,000,000 liters of water. They've also saved themselves over $15 million and prevented the generation of 300,000 kg of waste. All you need to do is visit the Slow Fashion Movement website and sign up. And if you want to make an even greater impact, spread the word through social media using #SFS. Plus, you have the flexibility to participate at your own pace. Remember, slow and steady wins the fashion sustainability race!

So why not join the Slow Fashion Movement and embrace mindful fashion choices? It's time to make a difference and create a more sustainable future for the fashion industry.