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How Lifestyle Family Photography Creates More Meaningful Images

CEO Tinh Phung
When it comes to family portraits, the traditional approach often involves everyone lined up, smiling, and impeccably dressed. However, family lifestyle photography offers a fresh perspective by capturing the personality and dynamics of the family....

When it comes to family portraits, the traditional approach often involves everyone lined up, smiling, and impeccably dressed. However, family lifestyle photography offers a fresh perspective by capturing the personality and dynamics of the family. This style focuses on spontaneity and adds a touch of authenticity to your family album. Let's explore the differences between traditional and lifestyle family portraits and discover how the latter can create more meaningful images.

What Are Traditional Family Portraits?

Traditional Family Portrait Photo courtesy of Line and Roots Photography

Traditional family portraits are the most commonly requested type of family photography. They often feature everyone looking directly at the camera, lined up in a formal manner. While these portraits can be visually appealing, they tend to have a similar, uniform look. Traditional posing guidelines, like Foundation Posing, are usually followed to achieve a polished image.

Traditional Example #1

Traditional Example 1 Photo courtesy of Line and Roots Photography

In this example, the family is captured in a classic pose, with the grandparents placed in the center and the rest of the family stacked around them in an "Open Pose." This technique is useful for accommodating large families in a single image. The family's coordinated outfits blend harmoniously with the beach scene, creating a cohesive look.

Traditional Example #2

Traditional Example 2

A similar posing principle can be applied to smaller groups. By positioning a central figure and building the composition around them, a more natural and candid look can be achieved. In this photo, the family is dressed in red to stand out against the lush green background.

Traditional Example #3

Traditional Example 3

To add a dynamic touch to traditional portraits, actions like walking can be incorporated. In this photo, the family is captured mid-walk, engaging in conversation. The choice of location-specific outfits adds to the overall aesthetic. Wardrobe and color selection are discussed in-depth in the comprehensive course, Family Photography 101.

What Is Lifestyle Family Photography?

Lifestyle Family Photography

As photographers, we strive for realism and authenticity in our images. Lifestyle family photography captures the unique mannerisms and authentic moments within a family. Imperfections are embraced as they represent what is genuine and real.

Lifestyle Example #1

Lifestyle Example 1

In this captivating photo, the family decided to play the child's favorite game, "London Bridge," to create a relaxed atmosphere. The photographer simply observed and clicked the shutter, capturing the genuine happiness radiating from the child. The composition is skillfully arranged, with the bright background emphasizing the family and leading lines drawing the viewer's gaze.

Lifestyle Example #2

Lifestyle Example 2 Photos courtesy of Shivalry Photography

This next example showcases an imperfect, yet perfect moment. The family is captured in a moment of pure fun, not necessarily with perfect smiles. The photographer's role is to document what unfolds naturally.

Lifestyle Example #3

Lifestyle Example 3

Photographer Shivani suggests tailoring the scene to the children's preferences. This image captures the kids riding down a hallway, an activity they always enjoy. The photographer's presence is unobtrusive, merely capturing the authentic moment.

What Defines Lifestyle Family Photography?

Lifestyle Family Photography Photos courtesy of Vinson Images

Lifestyle family photography can be defined as capturing moments that reflect the everyday lives of a family while incorporating a touch of artistic production value. However, there is no one-size-fits-all definition for this style. Each photographer brings their unique perspective to the genre.

Take, for example, the work of Vinson Images. Jason, the photographer, takes a documentary approach by spending an entire day with the family, capturing their ordinary routines. He even requests that the family refrain from tidying up their home for the shoot. This immersion in the family's daily life creates a purely authentic experience.

Family photography can span a broad spectrum, from traditional poses to full-fledged documentary-style storytelling. Find the approach that resonates with your taste and personality, and don't be afraid to experiment and create your unique vision.


I hope this glimpse into the world of family lifestyle photography has sparked your interest. By embracing authenticity and capturing genuine moments, this style can create more meaningful images and lasting memories for your family. For a comprehensive exploration of this subject, be sure to visit the SLR Lounge Premium Library. Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to inspiring you further in your photography journey!